Walls on Public View
Paint-decorated plaster walls are in the collections of museums, on display in historical societies, or stewarded by other organizations or businesses. Below is a sampling of original paint-decorated walls that are open to the public. Check with organizations directly for times and availability.
Bethel, ME
In-situ J.D.Poor murals with minor restoration.
Kennebunk, ME
Moses Eaton-style stenciled wall
Augusta, ME
Cleaned and installed J.D.Poor murals.
Bedford, MA
Early grisaille walls in-situ in fair condition with some restoration.
Job Lane House, built 1713, decorated 1820s
Harvard, MA
Grisaille wall with minor restorations.
Boston, MA
School of Rufus Porter murals depicting Boston Harbor, c. 1824.
Lexington, MA
Professionally-restored, signed J.D. Poor wall, c. 1830
From Silas Burbank House, Mt. Vernon, ME
Installed in Van Gorden-Williams Library & Archives, Museum of Our National Heritage
Sturbridge, MA
In-situ Grisaille walls in front foyer, stairway and upper hall with major restoration.
Townsend, MA
Untouched Porter-attributed walls in-situ.
New Hampshire
Portsmouth, NH
Earliest extant American wall murals, c. 1718, restored.
Warner House, built 1716
Tamworth, NH
Untouched John Avery painted walls.
Dr. Remick family house, built 1808
Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm www.remickmuseum.org
New York
New York, NY
Mural installed in a gallery with minor restoration
Coopertown, NY
William Price walls restored and installed.
Shelburne, VT
J.D.Poor muraled walls
Removed from from Capt. Dudley Haines House, Readfield, Maine
Shelburne Museum