Support the CPWP
100% of all donations will support CPWP efforts to document painted walls, advocate for their care, and educate about their significance through the website and events.
All contributions will be gratefully received.
Donate through Paypal, either with a Paypal account or with a credit or debit card, by clicking donate:
Checks may be written and sent to:
The Center for Painted Wall Preservation, Inc.
PO Box 187
Hallowell, ME 04347
All donations are fully tax deductible as allowed by law — the Center is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Research & Scholarship Endowment Fund
The Center for Painted Wall Preservation has created the Research & Scholarship Endowment Fund to support painted wall research by offering grants to students or special programs devoted to increasing public knowledge of paint decorated walls. The Fund will support research initiatives aimed at defining, refining and promulgating best practices with respect to conservation, restoration, relocation and interpretation of 19th Century decoratively painted plaster walls.
The Carl M. Lindberg Family Foundation has generously donated the founding principal for the Fund, but additional funding is needed for the yield growth to provide the first grant. The CPWP invites support from conservationists; owners of walls and those interested in the preservation of documented walls to contribute enough additional funding to provide grants in the near future

Julie and the late Carl Lindberg purchased an important set of signed painted walls in 2001, and helped found the Rufus Porter Museum in Bridgton, Maine in 2005 following several years of research. After joining forces with the team of Linda Lefko and Jane Radcliffe, who had researched walls in New England and New York since 1980, and David Ottinger, housewright, who has moved 100 sets of painted plaster walls during the past 40 years, the CPWP was founded in 2015 to provide a framework for publishing their shared documentation files. Jennifer Mass, PhD added her background in paint analysis and preservation as a founder. The time has come to expand its role towards increasing research.
We welcome estate planners interested in exploring such options as a charitable remainder trust, a charitable bequest, a cash-out of a no-longer-needed life insurance policy or a designation of CPWP as an insurance beneficiary. Any and all of these approaches will expand the Research & Scholarship Endowment Fund so that the income can make significant contributions to research that will help to assure both the preservation and broader recognition of 19th century paint decorated plaster walls as a unique and under-appreciated folk art genre.
Contributions are welcome and checks may be mailed to:
CPWP Treasurer
PO Box 187
Hallowell, ME 04347
You can also donate through Paypal using the yellow button above. Be sure to select Research & Scholarship Endowment Fund.
Gifts of appreciated securities or other property whose sale would be subject to capital gains tax would be gratefully accepted and eligible for full income tax deductibility by virtue of CPWP’s 501(c)(3) Federal tax-exempt status.
The first meeting of the CPWP Board of Directors, Deerfield, MA, in 2015. Left to right: J. Lindberg, L. Lefko, J. Radcliffe, and J. Mass. Absent: D. Ottinger.
Carl and Julie Lindberg